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Jun 16, 2010

G.O. going gone

I have been in the DR for a bit now. However, my highlights have to be the time I have gotten to spend with the Haitians. I got to see my favorite little Haitian boy Carvins. Carvins is Lisa and Wilby's little boy who was rescued from Haiti after the earthquake. Every time he saw Americans, he would ask Lisa, "Is Becca coming?" I thought that was so sweet! As you can guess, we were excited to see one another again. He is the cutest little boy I am so excited for him to be in a Christian home with loving parents who are protecting him and teaching him. He is growing and learning so much. he now speaks better Spanish than me.

Yesterday I was introduced to a group of young Haitian ladies who were at our construction site. We had something in common, wanting to learn a new language. They wanted to learn English and I wanted to learn Creole. I found this out because they were so fascinated with me that for a second there I thought I had some thing on my face. I didn't see what was so intriguing, but I guess they were excited about the opportunity to learn English from a gringa.

Today was a great day also as I returned to the construction site of the church. While I was standing in the door way I saw a little girl (maybe 3 years old) with a torn red dress crying and coming across the street. She had tiny little braids in her hair and a round dark face. She was barefoot and waked right through the door under a person chiseling rock from above. Her bare feet had no place in this rusty nail infested area. There were shovels flying and concrete block being thrown. All this was taking place about the level of her head. Her mom didn't seem concerned, but I finally couldn't take it! I offered my hand and she took it. So I picked her up only to find her bare little bottom under her dress. She immediately laid her head on my shoulder and I carried her across the street where it was safer. I tried to leave her but it was clear she would go right back into the construction where she would inevitably be hurt. So, I stayed there and tried to think up a game. The best I could come up with was collecting smooth rocks and stacking them on top up one another like a tower, complete with my sound effects to enhance the fun. She and her sister soon joined in. I watched as she turned from a scared little girl who would not smile, to a giggly precious little thing. I truly felt privileged as I know all children are immensely valuable to Christ. Life is so hard for Haitians! (more on that later)

Random fact for today: I have taken to doing the daily laundry in the shower. Water comes (get's turned off or runs out) and goes and is a precious commodity here. This way I get it done, we shall see if I keep it up. Okay good night and Dios Te bendiga. (God bless you). He is our reward enjoy Him. :)