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Oct 15, 2010

Prayer request

So a quick update as some of you know I went to the DR for Staff retreat and meeting for the year. we try to have 2 one int eh spring in Ky and one in the fall in the DR.

So my prayer request- I knocked a cup of tea on my lap-top. I turned it off and dried it out as fast as I could to save it. We thought it was okay but have realized it is not so good. It won't turn on. So far it looking to be a extremely expensive accident.

I got the computer out of prayer and a blessing from the Lord. It has been a blessing. I wanted to ask that you pray with me for God's solution to this predicament.

Why this is kinda a big deal to me: With the job I have being graphic heavy a computer is a great thing to have. I have one at work. but now I have no mobility, which allowed me to work from the DR this summer.
SO please pray for the Lord to care for this situation.
Thanks guys.