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Nov 27, 2012

Faith like a child: Nov.

It's a faith walk: A friend and I were walking in a local park discussing things God had been speaking to us in our lives.  Something had been brought to my attention, I had some fear that was leading my decisions.  One of them being how I communicate to you guys or what I say to people.  But God doesn’t give us a spirit of fear, so this needed to be changed.  As we were discussing this then, we rounded a corner. On the concrete were some chalk letters under some leaves.  My friend knew this was something we should take notice of.  We started scrapping leaves away to reveal,   “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the lord shall be praised.”  Proverbs 31:30
God had a message for me, hand crafted and placed in my path at that precise moment.  To have that put in my path just as we round the corner the words coming out of my mouth were,  “It’s fear, I am operating in fear!”   God so leads / guides, and I am a beneficiary of it. A way I am stepping out in a new way is to start sharing more of my photographs and updates of what God is doing in my life in general, & in ministry.  Let's face it I am better with a camera than words. It alleviates the pressure for a perfect sentence. But  I can easily and enjoyably show you a picture = joy.  Why not flourish where God has gifted you, right? So I have added my instagram photos to my blog along with other changes, check it out. 
For many of  you who don’t know I have made a 2 year commitment to serve with Youth With A Mission Louisville. This base has amazing leadership, and I am blessed to be apart of it.  I am excited about the opportunities to minister and disciple girls in the ways of the Lord to go out and make a difference. Two girls recently encouraged me with their words.   “We were talking about you, how you have reached out and asked us about our lives unlike others, you really wanted to hear about us and our lives.”   I thought,  "Well yeah! YOU are why I am here."  But it warmed my heart that they know I am approachable. I  know discipleship can happen when we least expect it.  Ministry doesn't fall on time tables or charts to measure it is organic and fluid.  We just have to be prepared and listening to the Lord to be lead by Him.

Thanksgiving Outreach this year was our second year in a row.  We plan on making it a tradition to serve our local community.  We handed out coffee to people waiting in line for Thursday and black Friday. We did clean up projects, and evangelism. We got to pray with people and be a Christian influence in times and places where people can need reminding loving your neighbor. 

Today I hear is "Giving Tuesday".  The Idea is that after black Friday, and Cyber Monday they started Give Tuesday where people can donate to causes. So I wanted to GIVE you the opportunity to have an impact on lives locally and globally, by clicking donate.