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Aug 7, 2013

It's all about light in the eyes...

It's all about light in the eyes.  That what I would tell someone for photography.  But isn't that life?  God gives us glasses to see people the way He sees them. Fabulous, For He loves His creation.  
So I served in Nicaragua this summer.  And though seeing is better than reading.  You can click on the photos to make them larger and scroll through. (don't forget to read the captions.)
Hard working people.

We did dramas.

I am not gonna lie, not every one was excited as we were.

Heaven or Hell,  I figure it's all about perspective.

1,501 people were seen in free medical clinics.

Numerous people healed through prayer!!

I was challenged by their faithfulness to pray for others even
when it was scorching hot.

She captured my heart, timid, but sweet middle school girl.  If you know me you know I have a heart for
middle school girls. 

MY FAVORITE PART: Bible Distribution

This was a moment God caught my eye, reminding me to be like a kid, relax and let
Him take care of things.  Be like a kid.  I love how He reminds us. 

 Bibles to homes who didn't have one. 

We met some Christians along the way and got to pray with them.  

An example of prayer to children.

I also got to see people get  a heart for other people and nations being
their first time out the country. 

One of my first friends in the country :)

Latin culture has such a sweetness to it if you peek around corners.

Many who needed a doctor were seen.

ABout 100 people accepted Christ as their savior, 64 in the Medical clinic alone.

another teenager reaching out. :)

Tugging on his mom's shirt He asked for a bible, I asked Him: Do you know this book has
adventure in is. Stories about David who killed a Lion, Samson who was very strong,
Paul who was very brave, I can't wait for you to read it. 

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again,
and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
- Matthew 13:44

She reminded me of my Niece.  Usually someone reminds me of her and her great personality. 

Every culture girls want their photo taken. 

Pure sweetness.

the local ice cream man 

this doctor saw many come to the Lord and had such a heart for the people. 

faithful prayer time

sharing lunch

I learned so much from our bus driver. His attitude,
and graciousness to all, was amazing. 

7 year old watching her 1 1/2 year old sister. 

She was so proud of her house.


Aint gonna lie, the heat about killed me. 

I also became the bouncer at our door helping traffic flow. 

Babies with witch doctor bracelets.

We explained how we can trust in Christ and don't need things like this.
We were usually allowed to remove it. :)

85 year old man who praised God for his new bible!

He says "Can you explain all this and Jesus to me, I don't get it".
It was music to my ears.
Our response was, YEAH... (and we went on to share) He went on to accept Christ. :)

God told me to call Him out, so I did. I left him with,
someday you are gonna need help and cry out.
Pray you remember  Jesus and cry out to HIM. 

Chips anyone...

Absolutely loved getting Bibles to people who didn't have one. 

Typical home we saw with hard working hospitable people.

It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always
 produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will
prosper everywhere I send it. Isaiah 55:11

She had prayed for a while now that God would give her a Bible.
Even that day she prayed. We came to GIVE her ONE.  

Witnessing to young guys.

His new bible.

checking it out.

reaching out to all sizes

The dramas caught people's attention.

I was skeptical having seen many Christian dramas. But I found myself moved,
embarrassed to find my mouth hanging open.
Needless to say they were powerful and used by God.

Faith like child!!!! 

They were not into hearing it but we shared anyways. I wish they knew the truth.
And pray their eyes will be light soon by love. 

Thank you to those who are apart of this service through support.
You helped these things happen.  What a privilege to be used.  
It's all about light in the eyes.


Karen George said...

Great pics and great story, Becca. You are amazing and a sweet aroma to God as you blessed these people. Miss you!

B said...

Thank you! Your encouragment means so much. Miss you guys too!