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Oct 8, 2013

Updated prayer cards on their way

Prayer cards on their way mail boxes near you.

new prayer card

Updated information, also found here as well.
Are you curious about things...
This Friday is a gathering for just that...
finding out the cool things God has been arranging!

If you can't make it  A- let me know, and B- let's grab a cup of coffee so I can share what God has been up to. Can't wait to share.

Also there are new buttons on my blog linked to pictures,  Facebook, etc.
blog links

I try to keep things updated on  here (the blog) for you guys as a resource.

Also I would like to let you know about opportunities to run with a purpose for "the lost cause".  There is a new button on my blog, telling more about how you can participate, should you find yourself signing up for a race, make it count for something. If you are interested and the blog doesn't answer your questions, call me, let's chat.