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Jul 6, 2014

New apartment- REAL LIFE

I was determined from the beginning to make my house a home, so I took the time to make it “homey”! I read somewhere "if you do not feel comfortable in your home overseas, you would always think of your home country as home." That's not what I am going for, ya know.   So I have jumped in and tried to make this home.  One practical way was by setting up an apartment.

Culture clash - There are just days that feel totally normal here and then there are days where it feels like you are wearing a burlap sack, where everything irritates.  Hey, I am just being real. 

I would assume you would move into a clean apartment.  But due to a short-term team ( college age) living here before I moved in,  it needed a really good scrub....

Needless to say it been kept me busy, and has been my exercise regimen.  But I dream it can be a place where people can come and rest, feel welcome, and safe.  A place where God can move, and prayers can be answered.  I have already had new friends over, as well as the girls from the girls home for dinner and a craft. The girls loved it and asked if they could stay forever.

  After some paint, a trip to IKEA and imagination, it think it has come together.  I think I have earned a new badge in my handy man qualifications in the process. Your always welcome to come visit. :)

Since it's not a easy to stop by for tea,  here are a few pictures.

A link to Instagram to see more pics of life and apartment.  

view of the street

Gift from a friend on my wall reminding me to rest in God.

A 3 x8 foot patio :)  gotta make the most of it.

I have semi- mastered the drill.

Can we say HARD WATER.

Free furniture, free paint and elbow grease. Bargain!