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Feb 2, 2013

DTS is happening now and lives are being changed.  
DTS students are overseas, I have mentioned INDIA. But the other group went to South Africa. One story from there moved me. As our group was helping lead a church service in a slum. Our DTS group planted this church last year in a slum that others wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.  The family was walking by on their way to commit suicide. The husband had been thrown in jail but he asked a friend to take care of his family while he was away.  While in jail the caretaker, acted as pimp and forced the wife into prostitution, locked up the small son, and sold all their things.  The husband was released and upon being reunited with his family and this reality of the station was too much for them.  They were depressed and walking down the road to commit suicide. They passed by this church service where they came into contact with some of our DTS students and church goers.  The whole family met Jesus! Literally saved physically and spiritually.  This story brings tears to my eyes.  I just love how God meets us in ministry over and over for HIS glory.  

MEET ME IN Nicaragua, make a difference this summer for a mission trip.   Click here for the details.

LEADING  I will I get to help lead teams in Nicaragua this summer, praying for world views to be changed.  I am in missions because of an experience like this.  

DISCIPLE: I am getting many opportunities to disciple in my life.  With new DTS students, a young middle school girl who I see fairly often and I praying about other ways I can have influence. I feel so blessed to have these opportunities to share Jesus' truths.  This is something I have prayed for since 2008 returning from BRAZIL, where I learned the importance of making diciples.  God is answering my prayers.

PRAYING for Human trafficking has been on my heart lately as my awareness has grown.   It is happening around the world and in Louisville.  We as a base are praying for this injustice to stop in humans being sold, traded & abused.  to read more on this click here Seeign Red .