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Jun 6, 2013

At it again

Recently I have been put to the task of helping with Design work.  It's good to be back in the saddle.  Although, I didn't miss all the deadlines of design, hahha.  It's great to help lend creative license to  Kingdom work.

One recent project was helping our cartographer here at the base needing a book designed and laid out.  He is gathering information on work all over the globe, cross organization, and nationality.    It is great helping others' achieve what they need.

The other fire to put out... I mean project I have worked on was the logo for our upcoming Short Term Outreaches that are going to be be starting in a week or two. Our theme is OVERCOME.   I am excited to see how God uses this time of investment in high school students and other participants to become world changers.  As always we would love your prayers that HIS will be done.  :)