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May 31, 2013

Had to write!!!

There are so many things I could write about in ministry but I am too excited!!!  So, as many of you know I have been pursuing continuing education.  It has been a challenge juggling ministry and duties of a student.  I feel I was mediocre at best, but kept giving it to God.  Reminding Him "this was your idea!"  He has picked up my slack all the way.  So I had a big final test, you could say that had many things hanging on it.  I kept giving it to Him and anytime I started to worry I feel like He just said " no need to worry" I just had a sense. So I went with it, I am in His hands anyways.  All I can do is my best and pray.  Well I found out today I passed!  God is so good and faithful!  I just wanted to share His faithfulness in my life with you guys today!!! YYAYAYYAYYAY!
Much love -B