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Jul 8, 2014

the language of Summmer

In case you didn't get my 2 emails in June pertaining to school, here is an update.   July for me so far has been full or subjunctives, adjectives, indicatives, yadadada.  Learning a language always reminds you of what you forgot from your own language.  

While my brain may felt very full, and my body physically exhausted most days. I would compare it to drinking from a fire hydrant, yet I survived.  It was a good opportunity to help me communicate better here and to hopefully get to know some international students from all over.  Here is a great time to teach geography to your kids! My class consisted of students from Greece, Belgium, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Italy, Slovakia Check Republic, China, and Poland. It has already reminded me of what life with and with out the love of a FATHER can feel like.   Please keep this students in your prayers.

Specifically One Student who I got to speak with, about God and faith.  He had so many questions and it was exciting to see someone really processing the Bible and so much more. 

Please join me in praying for  him.  That truth would be revealed to him. 
We were planning to meet one more time before he left town but it didn't seem to work out. I am still confused on how it didn't work out.  Welcome to the world of broken English and miss understanding that is my life. 

In all honestly, it actually really saddens me and grieves me of this missed opportunity.  I was loving these precious opportunities to discuss with him.  As I said please join me in praying for him as He is reading the bible and searching for answers.

The class at the local history museum. Learning a lot about what has taken place here in this ancient city.


Anonymous said...

Will pray!!! Maybe you said it just right and don't realize it ;) -nancy