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May 13, 2013


well I haven't been posting on here but have been sending out email updates.  if you are thinking right now "HUH? what are those?"  then most likely they are not getting to you.  either you are not signed up or it's going to your spam filter.  Please check your spam folder, if you are wanting to stay informed. I am trying to keep up with both, but your miss'in out!   Here is what it looks like- found at the top of my blog, or on my Facebook page.  To see what you have been missing on these updates here is a link.

The past two months got away from me.  But I can't help but write... I was sitting in church, it was mothers day.  Thinking of how great my mom is, and how I am blessed immensely by her and her influence on my life.  then thinking of how pretty much every one I know is a mom.  Had a moment of a pity party, feel'in  like I missed the bus.  But God so sweetly reminded me, after seeing this video ( I will post below).  Missions is SO much like motherhood, I have eluded to it before.  You invest, give and pour into ungrateful kids (most of the time, if we're honest).  Not sure what the "ROI"is (Return On Investment) will be.  You hope and pray that it all sinks in, you take crap off those same people you are trying to love.   It can be a thankless job, but a God given job non the less, that motivates you like nothing less can.  I hope you enjoy the video and are inspired as I was.  Motherhood video